Saturday, November 1, 2008

November 2008

John 10:27
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”

As shepherds raise their sheep a relationship forms between the shepherd and the sheep. Each becomes familiar with the other. The shepherd comes to know the personality, quirks, fears, and likes of his sheep. The shepherd knows his sheep by name.

The sheep come to trust their shepherd; quickly learning he will protect them. They know he lead them to pasture and water. Sheep come to recognize the voice of their shepherd. Even when different flocks of sheep congregate together and time comes to separate, the shepherd will call his sheep and only his will follow.

Notice the Scriptures speak, not of the lambs, but of the “sheep” hearing, knowing, and following the voice of Jesus. Lambs must learn to recognize the voice of the shepherd. Until they do, they follow the mature sheep. The lambs learn by the example they see.

The Apostle Peter received instructions from Jesus to “…feed My lambs…” and …”tend My sheep”, John 21:15, 16. The mature Christian has a responsibility to help the younger grow to know our Savior. The Bible describes this as making disciples or teaching the younger to follow Christ. The young Christian should ask God the Father to provide him a godly mentor.

A challenge to you who have been a Christian for a while: make yourself available to mentor a younger Christian. Simply share with them how God has worked in your life, and what He has taught you through your journey.

O Lord, help us share with others what You have taught us.

Learning to serve,
Robert Finley

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