Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 2010

The Church of Thyatira

John’s letter to the Church of Thyatira is found in Revelation 2:18-29. Thyatira was
the smallest church, but received the longest letter of the seven. The Son of God identified
Himself as the One with eyes as flames of fire and feet as fine brass. These symbols represent Jesus’ omniscience (His seeing and knowing all) and omnipotence (His authority and judgment).

The Church of Thyatira was commended for her works of ministry, service in love, patience and faith. The word “Thyatira” connotes the meaning of a sweet smell of sacrifice of labor. A working church is wonderful, unless works take preeminence in the church and are allowed to become before the worship of Christ.

Christ’s complaint to the church was twofold: a false prophetess was allowed to teach heresy and seduce the servants of the Lord into committing fornication; the people were encouraged to join with the world and eat things sacrificed to idols. Under the flag of tolerance the church allowed evil to co-exist with truth! This resulted in immorality and idolatry.

God always allows an opportunity for repentance. Time had been given and there was no evidence of repenting. Judgment was to be passed upon the false prophetess, those who sinned with her, and her children (disciples). The Lord Jesus said He would fight against them with the sword of His mouth! How terrible that would be!

The Lord always has a witness and those who have remained faithful to Him and overcome the temptations are promised an eternal reward. They will receive positions of eternal authority over nations and the morning star. Overcomers will rule and reign forever and enjoy eternal life with Christ!

Once again the Lord admonishes, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Are we listening?

Learning to serve,
Robert Finley